Telecommunications & Signal Processing Laboratory
Multimedia Signal Processing
Software Packages
Audio File Programs and Routines
The AFsp package is a library of routines for reading and writing audio files of various formats. It also provides utility programs for copying, comparing, filtering, and resampling audio files. The distribution contains Windows (command line) executables and source code for building the programs on Unix (including Cygwin) systems. Documentation is available on-line:
Signal Processing Software Library
The libtsp package is a library of C-language routines for signal processing. It subsumes the audio file processing routines that are part of the package (but not the audio utility programs). Documentation is available on-line: .
Turbo Codes: Distance Measurements
Channel Coding using Turbo Codes (distance spectrum calculations): .
Matlab Packages
The Matlab packages that were formerly listed here are now available on the MathWorks site: . The links to MathWorks below go to pages with a short description of each package and a link to download the package.
Design linear-phase FIR filters - with upper/lower constraints and flexible specifications
Local Copy:![](http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/Software/images/ftp-S.gif)
DFiltMPFIR designs minimum-phase FIR filters
Local Copy:![](http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/Software/images/ftp-S.gif)
DFiltInt designs an interpolating filter or fractional delay filter for a given a signal power spectrum
Local Copy:![](http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/Software/images/ftp-S.gif)
FiltNyquist designs Nyquist (M'th band) filters
Local Copy:![](http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/Software/images/ftp-S.gif)
This program designs a prototype filter for use in a Quadrature Mirror Filter filterbank
Local Copy:![](http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/Software/images/ftp-S.gif)
Routines to design/evaluate MMSE scalar quantizers, and an efficient quantizer routine
Local Copy:![](http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/Software/images/ftp-S.gif)
This program plots spectrograms (intensities versus frequencies, plotted against time)
Local Copy:![](http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/Software/images/ftp-S.gif)
PlotFilter / Filter Coefficient Files:
PlotFilter plots filter responses. Filter files include ITU-T filters & QMF filters
Local Copy:![](http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/Software/images/ftp-S.gif)
ITU-T G.723.1 Speech Coder and Decoder
This package has an implementation of the ITU-T G.723.1 speech coder in Matlab. The report (included in the distribution) describing the speech coding algorithm is also available from .
Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality (PEAQ)
Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality (PEAQ). This distribution is a Matlab implementation of the ITU-R BS 1387.1. The accompanying report describing PEAQ is available from . A C-language version of this software (much faster) is part of the AFsp package: .
Plot Routines (Matlab)
This distribution includes routines for streamlining customizing the appearance of plots in Matlab. The accompanying report is available from .
LaTeX Packages
Thesis Macros
Macros for writing a thesis. The accompanying report is available from .
The TeXdraw package allows a user to produce PostScript drawings from within TeX and LaTeX.
- : The slidepack macro package can be used to produce overhead transparencies, while maintaining all of the features of the LaTeX2e article class. The SlideMod package further customizes slides.
- : latex2ps.pl is a perl script which runs LaTeX, BibTeX and dvips to produce a PostScript file. It automatically determines if BibTeX needs to be run and/or there are undefined references. If so, it runs BibTeX and/or LaTeX (again) to resolve the citations and references.
- : The slidepack macro package can be used to produce overhead transparencies, while maintaining all of the features of the LaTeX2e article class. The SlideMod package further customizes slides.